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Art, Writing & Multimedia

The theme of 2025’s contest is “A Place for All People,” allowing artists and writers to take inspiration from the Civil Rights Movement's focus on equality and acceptance and turn it into a new creative submission, whether it be a painting, photograph, speech, song, or another medium. 


Prizes will be awarded in three age categories (11 and under, 12-17, and 18 and older) and submissions will be displayed at The Suzanne Haskew Arts Center (The SHAC) during the week prior and during the March on Main Street Sunday, January 19, 2025.  Winners and other selected submissions will be highlighted during the March on Main's concluding ceremony. 


All entries will be judged based on overall quality and interpretation of this year’s theme. Submissions are to be dropped-off at Carls Family YMCA by Friday, January 10, 2025. 

Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to share your talents with the community and
be a part of MLK Day 2025.

Enter the 2025 HV MLK Day Multimedia Contest

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